Jimmy N. Week 13 Discussion Questions Responses
- When developing a new class, what factor(s) would you use in determining if the class will work online or must be face-to-face? Explain why.
- The most critical factor is whether or not the curriculum and your pedagogy make enough room for peer interaction and peer instruction. Then the question becomes how to make those things happen. Asynchronous is where the peer instruction and peer interaction component is most likely to suffer.
- If you are setting up an online/hybrid course, list at least three technologies/apps you feel would make the class better and how they would be incorporated based on course objectives or assignments.
- MS Teams – Microsoft stole the Teams paradigm from Slack which is a corporate social media and communication platform meant to help in environments that are inherently hybrid in nature. Also, MS Teams is integrated into Office365 so document management is easier.
- ItsLearning or Canvas – these are learning management systems meant to allow assignments and document storage and communication. They work equally well for in-person or hybrid courses.
- YouTube turns out to be an extremely helpful way to create content and share it with a class
- From a teacher’s perspective, what is one of the biggest benefits and challenges for the teacher of an online class in terms of helping their students succeed? How does that compare to a face-to-face class?
- Teaching online allowed for flexibility from the student’s perspective. Time flexibility turns out to be one of the only things students liked during online teaching.
- Time is usually the enemy of face-to-face teaching for advanced high school courses like AP and IB. The required content does not allow for in-depth time on assignments nor for extended time on assignments for non-accommodated students.