My research goals are to explore how computer science learning can support other kinds of learning, especially in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses. My CV lists all public talks, publications, and conference proceedings.
Computational Thinking & Data Science
One way to study how computing impacts learning in science is to use a computational thinking framework. You can read my current thinking on what that means here.
Since mid-2020, I have created various physics and astronomy coding projects using Google Colab for Python and the STEMcoding platform using p5js. Most of the Python projects are available as a GitHub repository.
Recently, I have spent some time learning about data science pedagogy and applying these ideas to physics and astronomy lessons I created in the past. Data science pedagogy has a role to play in astronomy education as a way for students to construct knowledge about topics in the course.
Research Projects
- Improving Student Computational Thinking Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy through Integrating Model-building in a Secondary Physics Course (Doctoral Thesis, currently in publication)
- High School Students’ Development and Use of Computational Thinking Practices in a Secondary Physics Course (2022-2023 Candidacy Project)
- Analyzing video game dynamics with computation in introductory physics (2021 RET)
- Authentic research to teach computational thinking – Check out the CSTaR Materials Here
- Authentic Astronomical Research as Science Teacher Professional Development
- DIY PPG: Comparison of waveform parameters from open-source vs commercial photoplethysmography (2018 RET)
- Real-time remote photoplethysmography using a webcam and graphical user interface (2019 RET)
Student Research Mentoring
- MIT/Harvard Quantum Engineering and You (QuERY) Computing Mentorship Study
- 2022-2024 – Student Quantum Engineering Research Initiative at Bellaire High School
- 2011 – Crater Chains
- 2012 – Lunar Landing Sites
- 2015 – Asteroid Analysis
- 2016 – Asteroid Analysis
- Bellaire Astronomy Research Team
- 2018 – Quasar outflows
- 2019 – Quasar outflows
- 2022 – Spectral Energy Distributions of Quasars
- AP Research 2021 (Carnegie High School student)
- SDSS and Gaia data filtering for quasars