Computer Science Teaching at Rice University
In the spring and summer of 2017, I was fortunate enough to be one of the master teachers for the Computer Science Teaching at Rice University workshop for potential computer science teachers. Our two goals: prepare teachers to pass the Texas computer science certification exam and give training and resources for teaching inquiry-style computer science lessons. This page is meant to share resources I created so others can benefit as well. Many more items are available to participants through the course website. We partnered with WeTeach_CS to offer an online collaborative course for teachers as preparation for taking the certification exam
Spring 2017 Material
How do computers store information?

- Inquiry-driven Binary Baubles: Characters and Strings lesson
- CS Unplugged – Image Representation lesson (no computer required!)
- Persistence of Vision physical computing demo by me and sold by AdaFruit
- Binary 60-Second Counter physical computing demo designed by me
- Extension Exercise – Astronomy Hour of Code: learn astronomy and comp sci!
Summer 2017 Material

- The Design Recipe explained
- Longest and Vowelest Word Challenge Problem using Python